Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Job Searching and Dating

Well, it's been a month since I bored all 3 of my readers with my baseball banter. I haven't been writing lately because I was busy looking for a job.

About 7 weeks ago, I graciously bowed out from my gig in Fort Myers. I thought it was the right thing to do. I worked for the company that built my house. Because I'm moving to another state, I didn't think it would be fair to look for a job while sitting at my desk at my old company while my boss wondered why there was a "For Sale" sign sitting in my front yard. Scruples failed me a little this time. Finding a job didn't turn out to be as easy as I had hoped. Now I sit dejected, depressed and unmotivated... Strangely similar to the way I typically felt while I was dating. Is there a relationship here? (no pun intended).

Think about it. I left this job before having another job with good intentions and now I'm screwed. People who are dating leave relationships before having relations with another because they think its the right thing to do and then they're screwed... err not screwed... however you want to look at it. Even though I didn't have a stellar career path where I was, I was doing well and it would be nice to have that paycheck now. When I've dumped people in the past, I did it because I know the relationship wasn't going anywhere, but I at times regretted it during the dry spell because it would have been nice to have a movie and a pizza on the couch every once in a while.

Beyond that, when we're looking for jobs, it seems like everyone else is. There's so much to choose from but then there isn't. So too with dating. People are critical about our experience, but you know damn well that when the job is filled, whoever fills them will fall into the normal comfortable idiot role. So too with dating. We do our jobs for a time and then long to be in others when we get bored. So too with dating. Then we start looking around and if our bosses catch us posting resumes, our reputation diminishes. So too with dating. While we're in our jobs, we get lazy and stop moving forward, then when it's time to find a new job we wish we had done more to get ready. So too with dating.

Now that I'm job single, I'm struggling with the fact that employers are being so damn picky. If I've never configured a blue and silver Dell server that runs SMS and sits on the floor of a 10x13 sized server room in the far right corner with the OS being installed sometime in the November/December timeframe, there's someone out there that claims they have and they get the job. Or at least the interview.... or date. The bottom line is that it all comes down to MOJO. I've been way overqualified with women and jobs and not gotten them. Conversely, I've been underqualified with women and jobs and pulled through thanks to the way I got along with the interviewer.

The problem is that I'm discovering that I'm not very good at the job game. I wasn't very good at the dating game either and I wasted way too much time worrying about it back then. If I'm not careful, I'm going find myself accepting the ugly job with the mediocre body simply because my needs need to be met. Then I'll regret it and the cycle will start all over again... as long as I don't get anybody pregnant.

Man, I'm glad my relationship with my wife isn't nearly as volatile.


Blogger Ferg said...

Interesting, well-written analogy. I would argue, though, that the one fundamental difference between jobs and dating is that you should not be okay with not having a job, but you should be okay with not having anyone to date. Love yourself, dude.

5:35 PM  
Blogger Ferg said...

Dude..it's been since May?
Where's the momentum!??!?

1:16 PM  
Blogger Ferg said...

Cheese and rice, it's been six months. Get with it!

6:03 PM  

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