Thursday, September 23, 2004

Blackberry bliss

When I was about 16 or 17, I had a Mac Plus. Great machine for it's day. Who knew that booting up the machine by flipping 4 floppies back and forth for about 20 minutes was a bad thing? Anyway, at some point I ended up connecting a modem to that bad boy and found my way to one of the original Prodigy sites. If I remember correctly, it was the only place I could go. It had horrible graphics, no content and it was clunky and slow and boring, plus I had to pay for the time. "Stupid", I distinctly remember thinking. Little did I know there were kids my age looking at that in pure excitement of the possibilities and dreaming of one day owning mutiple homes in exotic places. I went back to watching prime-time episodes of Cheers.

Fast forward to yesterday and I'm sitting at my desk playing with my brand spankin' new Blackberry 7510. In great anticipation I immediately found my way to the Online area where I could finally experience browsing from the palm of my hand. "Stupid", I distictly remember thinking. I went back to blogging. Hey, at least I'm doing something a little more constructive this time even if I do only have one reader.... "Hi, Dad".


Blogger Ron Kelley said...

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6:10 PM  
Blogger Ron Kelley said...

Ain't it wonderful what they're doing with computers? Hey, bud, I thought you were writing a book. Stop dodging hurricanes and hop to it!!

Your loyal reader - Dad

6:17 PM  

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